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Q: Which type of government allows the people to choose representatives to run the government?
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What form of government in which people choose representatives?

A democracy.

Form of government in which people choose representatives?


What is a government called when people choose representatives to govern them?

A democracy - a democratic government of publicly elected representatives.

In a republic did the people choose representatives to govern them?

Yes. A republic is a form of government in which the citizens choose their leaders and the people (or at least a part of its people) have an impact on its government.

How do American citizens choose representatives to run the government?

In the United States, Americans participate in political elections, where they vote for people to serve as representatives in government. There are 435 members of the US House, and 100 members of the US Senate.

How does the Vietnam Government get elected?

People vote to choose their representatives in the National Assembly. This assembly, then, vote to choose members of government from a list that the Vietnamese Communist Party gave them.

How is the government chosen in Saint Lucia?

It is chosen by a democratic voting of the people. They choose representatives and a Prime Minister.

What is a unique characteristic of a parliamentary government?

A parliamentary government is a democracy in which the people choose their representatives. A unique feature of this kind of government is that parliament and the executive office are the same.

Who runs a democratic country?

A democracy is run by a government formed by elected representatives of the people.

Form of government in which people elect other people to make laws for them?

Representative Democracy is a system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.

What is the word that is seven letters starts with an r and means a government where the people choose representatives to govern them?

It's not seven but eight letters: republic.

What country has a system of rule that does not let people choose their government but has an economic system that allows for outside investment?

China .