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120 Bloomingdale Rd. - Rm. 204

White Plains, NY 10605

Tel. (914) 997-9507

Fax (914) 997-9523......................

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

White Plains District
120 Bloomingdale Road
White Plains, NY 10605

Tel. (914) 997-9521
Fax (914) 997-8780....................

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Q: Where is the white plains N.Y unemployment office?
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Where is the Westchester County unemployment office located?

This office is located on BLoomingdale Road in White Plains, NY 10605

Where in White Plains New York should to go to file for unemployment?

White Plains 120 Bloomingdale Road White Plains, NY 10605 Telephone: 914-997-9552 Fax: 914-997-9314

What is the distance from Kingston NY to White Plains NY?

90 miles

Can you file unemployment at the New York unemployment office?

Yes, you can visit your local New York unemployment office and apply for your benefits. You can find your local NY office by searching the site at the Related Link.

Where is the White Plains Historical Soc in White Plains New York located?

The address of the White Plains Historical Soc is: 60 Park Ave, White Plains, NY 10603

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Where is the Nassau county NY unemployment office located?

There is no unemployment office for Nassau County. Unemployment Insurance is provided by New York State, and they do not receive applications for unemployment insurance in person, only by phone or online.

How far is it from White Plains to Mahwah NJ?

There are about 27.678 miles between White Plains, NY and Mahwah, NJ.

Where is the unemployment office in Spring Valley New York 10977?

The unemployment office in Sprint Valley is at One Perlman Drive, Spring Valley, NY 10977

What is the driving distance from Brooklyn ny to white plains ny?

About 40 miles or less.

Where is the White Plains Masonic Historical Society in White Plains New York located?

The address of the White Plains Masonic Historical Society is: 262 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY 10601-3403

Where is the Gedney Recycling Yard in white plains ny?

The Gedney Recycling Yard in White Plains, NY is on Gedney Avenue between Mamaroneck Avenue and Old Mamaroneck Avenue.