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Q: When is full retirement age when born in 1957?
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What is full retirement age when born in 1955?

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Born in 1957 what age do you retire?

If you were born in 1955, full retirement age is two months after your 66th birthday. You can still take early retirement at age 62, but your benefits would be approximately 75% of the amount they would be at full retirement age.

What is the full retirement age for someone born in 1949?

The full retirement age for someone born in 1949 is 66 years and 6 months. This means they can start receiving their full Social Security benefits at that age.

When is full retirement age when born in 1962?

Your full retirement age is 67. You can start collecting benefits at age 62, but you will receive only 70% of your full retirement amount. The longer you wait, the more you will receive. This holds true even if you wait until after you are 67; you will receive more than 100% of your full retirement age benefit..

What is full retirement age for someone born in 1950?

Statutory retirement and receiving a state pension depends on the legislation of the country in question and varies.

You were born in 1957 can you draw a State Pension at age 62?

In the US, the earliest age to draw Social Security benefits is 62, but the full retirement age for those born in 1957 is 66 and 6 months. Drawing benefits at 62 will result in a reduced monthly benefit amount compared to waiting until full retirement age. It's advisable to consider your individual circumstances and long-term financial plan before deciding when to start receiving benefits.

What is full retirement age for social security if born in 1950?

Born between 1943 and 1954 Full Retirement age (FRA) or Normal Retirement age (NRA) will be age 66. Go to the web site Social Security Benefits ONLINE

What month is full retirement age if born January 1948?


What is retirement age if you were born in 1967?

67. Depending on what year you were born, full retirement age can range from 65 to 67. For those born 1937 or earlier, the retirement age is 65. For those born in 1938 or later, the retirement age gradually increases until it reaches 67 across the board for those born after 1959.