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Theoretically, yes, but there will always be some form of unemployment due to the fluctuation of the labor market.

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No. There will always be someone looking for a job because: they moved; the job expired; they just joined the work force (i.e. graduated from school), etc.

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Q: When full employment is present will the rate of unemployment be zero?
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Does an economy with full employment have any type of unemployment rate?


What does the term full employment mean?

Full employment refers to a situation where all individuals who are willing and able to work at prevailing wages are employed. In an economy at full employment, the unemployment rate is at its natural rate, and there is no cyclical unemployment. It is a state where the economy is operating at its optimal level.

What does a contractionary gap imply about the actual rate of unemployment relative to the natural rate of unemployment?

Assume certeris paribus, an expansionary gap is where real GDP is above the full employment, and a contractionary gap is where real GDP is below the full employment.

Why isn't the natural rate of unemployment equal to zero?

The natural rate of unemployment cannot equal zero, because there will always be people seeking full time employment, because they are dissatisfied with their present job, or are newly in the workforce, etc. and hence are unemployed.

What is natural rate of unemployment?

The natural rate of unemployment is the rate that holds over the long-run in equilibrium. In Classical economics, this rate is 0%. With other assumptions, such as frictional and structural unemployment, you will get a natural unemployment rate above 0%. Source:

What is the point where the overall economic conditions are all operating at almost 100 of employment?

This point is known as full employment, where the economy is operating at maximum employment levels. At full employment, nearly all individuals who are willing and able to work are employed, leading to a lower unemployment rate and potentially higher wages. However, it is important to note that achieving full employment does not necessarily mean zero unemployment due to factors such as frictional or structural unemployment.

What is the employment rate in Ireland?

The employment rate in Ireland is currently 60%. The unemployment rate in Ireland is 11.80% as of April 2014.

What is the percent for the full employment rate in US?

It is well known that in a free market economy, such as the one in the US, 100% employment is not realistic. The measure of a healthy amount of unemployment is based on prosperous times and the steady amount of unemployment that goes along with it. Using that as a criteria, then an unemployment rate of 4.5 to 5% is normal and expected. The lower the better of course.

Define the natural rate of employment?

The natural rate of unemployment is the rate which occurs when inflation is correctly anticipated. This level of unemployment occurs when the labour market is in equilibrium.

How do you calculate the labor force participation ratethe unemployment rate and employment rate?

AnswerParticipation Rate = # employed + # unemployed ------------------------------------------------- X 100civilian non-institutionalized population (people 16 years old or older, not in prison, military, etc.)Unemployment Rate = # unemployed----------------------------------- X 100# unemployed + # employedEmployment Rate = # employed------------------------------------------------ X 100civilian non-institutionalized populationto calculate the labor force participation rate use the equation:LFP = CLF/ CNIP -- meaning labor force participation is calculated by dividing the civilianlabor force by the civilian non-institutional for the unemployment rate use:unemployment rate = unemployment/ CLFand for the employment rate use:employment rate = employment/ CNIPto calculate the labor force participation rate use the equation:see the Related Link below for a full explanation.

How does full-employment affect the rate of unemployment?

Full employment is where everyone over 16 who wants a job has a job. The good thing about employment is that the government can cut taxes because they do not pay out as much on benefits. The disadvantage about unemployment is that if people are unemployed the government will be paying more on benefits which means taxes will go up because the government won't be able to afford the benefits.

What is the employment rate for France?

France's employment rate is currently 64 percent. The unemployment rate in France is currently at 10.1 percent down from 10.4 percent.