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Marriage Fraud is a Federal Crime with maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a fine up to $250,000. It is a felony and anyone convicted of this crime is considered a convicted felon.

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16y ago

The illegal immigrant will most likely be deported to whence they came.

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Q: What will happen to the person who married the illegal alien for money if caught?
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A person cannot be illegal.

What will happen if someone is caught with illegal snakes?

Typically, the animals would be confiscated and the person would be charged criminally. Unless there were more serious issues, possession of an illegal pet is normally a misdemeanor, and the person would be charged with a short jail sentence or a fine or both.

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The person would be charged as if they were a civilian and the same charges for illegal drug distribution would apply.

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A person can not legalize their girlfriend or boyfriend if they are an illegal alien. If the person is married to an illegal alien, they can file for a Visa from the INS.

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What would happen if you were caught harboring a Jewish person?

Today, if you were caught harboring a Jewish person, nothing would happen. In WWII, however, you would be forced to go to a concentration camp and would probably die alongside the Jewish person you were harboring.

Let say you are married in the US and go get married to another person overseas is this illegal?

no, this can't be legal at all. Careful.

What would happen if a Jewish person was caught in World War 2?

That would depend upon in which country they were caught, at what time and by whom.

Sold a car person has not retitled car?

If that car hasn't retitled yet, then it's illegal and if they get caught with it, they will be fined.

If a U.S. married a illegal but was not aware before they married that this person was illegal and now seeking a divorce would you still need to divorce orwould the marriage be annuled once deported?

You need a divorce!

Is being a polygamist illegal How can you be married to more than one person at a time Does the law recognize it?

Polygamy was made illegal in the United States in 1862. The law does not recognize polygamous marriages, and you cannot legally be married to more than one person at a time.