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There were about 4 million slaves in the south during the time of the Civil War.

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Q: What was the population of the United states at the start of the civil war?
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What was the slave population in 1860?

By the start of the Civil War in 1860s, there was a large slave population in the United States. The total number of slaves were 3,950,528.

At the start of th civil war the unions free population was?

At the start of the Civil War, the Union, which was made up of the Northern states, had a population of 22 million free people. The population of the South at the start of the war was 9 million.

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Confederate States of America was the name of the government for the states that seceded from the United States. Chickamauga, Georgia was the site of a battle during the Civil War.

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Prior to the Second World War, the estimated population of the United States was 130,879,718. As of 2014, the population is 316.1 million.

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The American Civil War started after seven states seceded from the United States because of slavery. President Lincoln also had to put the betterment of the nation ahead of the ability of states to secede

What was the population of the union?

At the start of American Civil War in 1861 the population of Union states were 5 times more than Confederate states. Union states' population was 23 millions against 5 millions of Confederate states.

What month did the civl war start?

The Civil War of the United States of America began on April 12 when the confederates attacked Fort Sumter.

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Ulysses S. Grant was a Union General in the Civil War and was elected President of the United States.

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The U.S. Census Bureau most recently estimated the United States population to have reached a record 317 million people at the start of 2014.

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July 4th, 1776 is when the United States formed.

What state had the largest population at the start of the Civil War?
