5,308,483 was the population of the US in the year 1800.
ummm, iduuno
the population in Melbourne in the 1800 is 123456789
the population of Nevada in 1800 is 0. Nevada became a state in 1864.
The U.S. census shows that the population in the year of 1800 was 5,096,908.
According to the New York Times Almanac, the population of the United States in 1790 was 3,929,214. By 1800, it had grown to 5,308,483.
About 5 million people were counted by the 1800 Census (August 4, 1800). It showed the estimated population of the US as 5,308,483 people, of which 893,602 were slaves.
In 1800 it was only occupied by Native Americans.
About 140 million in 1750 and 180m in 1800.
In 1800, 5,308,483 people were living in the United States, of whom 893,602 were slaves. This did not count the census data from Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee or New Jersey, as that data was lost. By 1840 the census process of collecting data was better organized, and they found the US population to be 17,069,453 persons.
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