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Q: What type of housing pattern des the multiple nuclei model depict?
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How multiple nuclei model is formed?

the multiple nuclei model is formed by using science and magical powers

Is Houston a multiple nuclei model?

no its not

What would happen if a cell underwent repeated mitosis without cytokinesis?

multiple nuclei

What kind of muscles are elongated arranged in sheets and contain multiple nuclei?

Skeletal muscles contain elongated muscle fibers arranged in sheets and have multiple nuclei. Smooth muscles and cardiac muscles also have elongated cells, but they are not arranged in sheets and do not have multiple nuclei in each cell.

Is nuclei plural or singular?

Nuclei is plural. Nucleus is singular.

A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is?

Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei. These cells are voluntary muscles responsible for body movement and are under conscious control. Skeletal muscle tissue is classified as striated due to its alternating light and dark banding pattern when viewed under a microscope.

What is the term for a nucleus that is divided in such a way that it appears to have multiple nuclei?


Why you need Multiple nuclei model?

growth does not spread from one city core

What are the Criticisms of multiple nuclei model?

Critics argue that the multiple nuclei model oversimplifies urban development by neglecting the role of larger factors like government policies and economic systems. The model also fails to account for the interconnectedness and fluidity between different nuclei within a city. Additionally, some critiques suggest that the model may not accurately reflect the complexity of modern urban landscapes, where multiple nuclei can exist within a single city.

What are the assumptions of the multiple nuclei model?

The multiple nuclei model assumes that cities are made up of multiple centers of activity rather than a single central business district. It also assumes that these nuclei can develop and grow independently, leading to the formation of specialized areas within the city. Additionally, the model assumes that these nuclei are interconnected through transportation networks.

Is nuclei the same as a nucleus?

No, nuclei and nucleus are not the same. Nuclei is the plural form of nucleus. Nucleus is the central part of an atom, containing most of the mass, while nuclei refer to multiple nuclei.

When a parent cell makes several nuclei and divides to make several daughter cells it is called?

When a parent cell makes several nuclei and divides to make several daughter cells, it is called multiple fission. This process is common in some protists like amoebas and algae where multiple nuclei are produced before the cytoplasm divides to form several daughter cells.