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Q: What type of clause is shown in parentheses We missed the plane (that we were supposed to take).?
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What type of clause is shown in the parentheses in you missed the plane that you were supposed to take?


What type of clause is shown in parentheses you missed the plate that you were supposed to take?

This type of clause is a relative clause, specifically a restrictive relative clause. It provides essential information about the plate that was supposed to be taken.

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the guy who writes the adult cartoon "family guy" was supposed to be on one of the flights that crashed but missed it because he slept to late due to a hangover the guy who writes the adult cartoon "family guy" was supposed to be on one of the flights that crashed but missed it because he slept to late due to a hangover

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two numbers in parentheses, separated by a comma are generally coordinates on a cartesian plane (x-y graph) and appear in the order of (x, y)

Where was the last plane in from iraq supposed to hit?

2 were supposed to strike the world trade center. 1 was supposed to strike the pentagon. so I believe that the final plane was supposed to hit the white house but it failed and instead crash landed.

A sentence with the word haunt in it?

That flight I missed will always haunt me, the plane was lost at sea.

Who was Amelia with when the plane crashed?

according to history she was supposed to be alone.

How can a plane stop a hurricane?

Unless this was supposed to be placed in the ''Riddles'' category, there's no way a plane can stop a hurricane.

Where was plane 4 supposed to crash into on 9 11?

it was supposed to hit either the white house or the capital building, but the passengers fought back so it crashed in Pennsylvania

What happend as the result of the Soviets shotting soen and American you-2 plane in 1960?

The U-2 spy plane was supposed to be a "secret". The Soviets (Russians) weren't supposed to know that the US was spying on them. Now they knew different; and the US had to re-organize it's planning.

What a you supposed to wear when you jump off a plane?

i think u wiil be very very very scared

A plain figure with six sides?

I guess it is a dice or what else is it supposed to be? A hexagon is a plane figure with 6 sides.