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Mostly the fact that it's made up of many separate bones.

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Q: What structures permits flexibility of the vertebral column?
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What permits the flexibility of the vertebral column?

the axis and atlas

What structures do the vertebral column and thoracic cage protect?

Spinal cord for the vertebral column and heart, lungs, thymus and other small structures of the chest cavity for the rib cage

Why are there discs of cartilage in the vertebral column?

Cartilage disks in the vertebral column provide flexibility and shock absorbing qualities to the spine. These disks become less elastic with age.

What allows flexibility in vertebral column?

The S shaped curve of the structure and the intervertebral discs!

Two factors that permit flexability of the vertebral column?

The presence of the discs and the S-shaped or springlike construction of the vertebral column prevent shock to the head in walking and running and provide flexibility to the body trunk.

What does the presence of homologous structure in different organisms suggest?

The presence of homologous structures, such as the vertebral column in vertebrates, suggests the presence of a common ancestor. Learn more at

What two factors or structures permit flexability of the vertebral column?

saccrum and coccyx

The vertebral column exhibits the least flexibility among reptiles in the order?

Order Testudines (turtles and tortoises)

Why is the vertebral column considered the center of the skeleton?

The vertebral column is considered the center of the skeleton because it provides structural support and protection to the spinal cord. It also serves as an attachment point for muscles and helps maintain the body's posture and balance. Additionally, the vertebral column allows for flexibility and movement in various directions.

What is the reason for a vertebral column to be a collection of bones instead of a single bone?

A Single bone would not allow flexibility.

What is the vertebral column to the skull?

The vertebral column is inferior to the skull.

Is a backbone an intervertebral disk?

No, a backbone, or spinal column, is made up of vertebrae stacked on top of each other to protect the spinal cord. Intervertebral disks are the cushion-like structures that sit between each vertebra to provide cushioning and allow for flexibility and movement in the spine.