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Q: What sources could you use as a source to perform the MBSA security state?
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What sources could you use as a source to perform the MBSA security scan?

You could use the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) tool to perform security scans on Windows-based systems using official Microsoft documentation, security bulletins, and security best practices as sources of information. Additionally, you can utilize vulnerability databases and industry-recommended security standards for reference during the scanning process.

What is the difference between print and noprint sources?

A print source could be a newspaper, book, for instance.A no-print source could be a verbal speaking of information.

Could a photograph be considered a primary source Why or why not?

It is a primary source because it was taken at the time.

What are primary sources and secondary sources in relation to history?

A primary source is a source that has come directly from a person in those times who witnessed what was going on and a secondary source is a source that has been passed down through the years so it could of been twisted or something like that.

Where could one find free broadband security?

There are two online websites that offer free broadband security. Money Saving Expert and Products and Services appear to be the only sources where one could find free broadband security.

Are Websites Secondary Sources?

Most websites would be considered secondary sources but depending on the information the site contains and when it was created it could be a primary source.

What do primary sources include?

Primary sources include original documents or artifacts that were created at the time of an event, such as letters, diaries, newspaper articles, photographs, and government records. These sources provide firsthand accounts or direct evidence of a particular historical event or period.

Ways of checking validity of ICT sources?

Well you can use other sources to work out wether the facts are correct also you could cheek the date of the source to see how old it would be.

What is a historical source?

There are many different historical sources to choose from. You could for example choose to take sources from a library.

What is a example of a Secondary source?

A secondary source document useful in the study of history could be an autobiography written by someone at the time or a record or statement made by someone who was not an eyewitness to a specific event.

What is a source that has a unbalanced or unfair argument?

A biased news outlet, a propaganda website, or a source that omits crucial information to manipulate the audience could be examples of sources with unbalanced or unfair arguments.

Where can one purchase a PSP converter?

There are two online sources where one could find a PSP converter. One source would be GameStop. Another reputable source for purchasing would be Amazon.