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well they work to collect coal and cotton

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Q: What services did the Egyptian government and people provide for each other?
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All those services which are provided by a good government of any country to its people .

Why does government expand?

Government expands to fill a need of the people. Sometimes it expands to provide additional safety or financial services to the people.

What services did the government and people provide for each other?

well they work to collect coal and cotton

What is the purpose of taxing?

To fund the government of the country. Taxes provide the means for the government to provide services to the country, such as road maintenance, health care, and a military to defend its people.

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Yes, it is possible for a government to provide too many services to have too much influence in a society because they may become too controlling and restrict people's freedoms.

What kind os services do governments provide that people cannot provide for themeselfs?

National defense is one thing the national government is designed to provide and which the average citizen can't provide for themselves.

Governments provide services or services that people cannot provide for themselves?

Yes, governments provide services such as national defense, public safety, infrastructure development, and social welfare programs that individuals may not be able to provide for themselves. These services contribute to the overall well-being and stability of society.

Why did early Egyptians need an organized government?

Every culture needs an organized government. To protect its people, provide services, build buildings and monuments, to make treaties or declare war on others, and to provide security.

What is the government of the city?

It's not "to offer services to residence." /:It is to carry out state initiatives.The primary purpose of city government is to provide basic services to the people who live in that city. Examples include trash collection, police, and firefighters.

How do people use currency to provide for goods and services?

People use currency to provide goods and services by spending and buying