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Q: What place national banks under the control of a central authority?
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Why are some banks called national banks?

The term national bank is confusing, since it sometimes is used in the same way as 'central bank.' A central bank is responsible for controlling a country's supply of money and setting other monetary policy. However, many privately-held banks also have 'national' in their name, but are not central banks.

How does the central banks control the interest rate?

Central banks control interest rates by altering the repo rate. Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the central bank. So if the central bank hikes the repo rate, the banks will automatically hike their lending rates. similarly if the central bank reduces the repo rate, banks will lower their lending rates too.

How does the central banks control the interest rates?

Central banks control interest rates by altering the repo rate. Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the central bank. So if the central bank hikes the repo rate, the banks will automatically hike their lending rates. similarly if the central bank reduces the repo rate, banks will lower their lending rates too.

What is the role of central bank?

The role of the central bank is to control all local banks in a country.

What are the ways the central bank can control the activities of the commercial bank?

explain four ways in which the central bank esercises control over commercial banks

How do central banks impact the global economy?

They influence the national money supply,which affects the volume of international trade.

What banks will be exchanging Dinars for US Dollars?

There are several banks that will be exchanging Dinars for US Dollars. These banks are the Central Bank of Iraq, the National Bank of Jordan, and the National Bank of Kuwait.

How do central bank control the quantity of money in circulation?

Central banks control the quantity of money in circulation by printing more bills when the central storage is low and refraining from printing when the country is suffering from inflation.

Why did the US banking systems need to be reformed in the early 1900?

Banks had full access to their reserves when customers wanted to withdraw money.

Why do central banks playing important role in the global economy?

Central banks control the foreign currency reserves that are used for international trade.They also set each country's monetary policies.

How central bank of nigeria controls other commercial banks?

central bank control other bank by giving them loan and it debited their account.

Why is a national bank necessary?

Banks are financial institutions that can make or break an economy. Unsupervised and uncontrolled behavior from banks can spell doom to the economy and for the customers as well. Hence central banks like the Reserve Bank in India or the Federal Reserve in USA monitor the functioning of all banks in their jurisdiction and ensure that they function in a just fashion and customers stand to benefit at all times. So Central or National banks are necessary for every country