twin towers
Lots of them. Every building that stands today was originally a building.
I assume you are asking about the California missions. Just about each mission has the original buildings. The state does do reconstruction and repair on each mission.
yes it is still standing
Like all the 21 California missions first built at the end of the 18th century, San Diego has been restored. Except for Santa Barbara, which was always maintained in use, most of the others, built of adobe bricks, were largely rebuilt along the original lines.
all of the 21 missions
The longest standing rock group from the British Isles that is still performing and that still has all its original band members is U2 (1976-the present)
Milan Cathedral - 579 Years (1386 - 1965)
It's been around for around 45 years and it is still standing today.
When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.When the present pantheon was being built it was Hadrian who was the emperor. When the original pantheon was being built it was Augustus.
The twin towers were the highest buildings but not for long. When the were still standing from 1998-2004 the were the highest building.
The Old Water Tower... which still stands in its original location today.