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live life, and laugh all the way.

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Constitutional Monarchy

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Q: What kind of government did the shah of lead?
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What kind of government ruled Iran after the fall of the shah in Iran?

Islamic theocracy

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They were lead by Kings and queens.

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Fascist dictatorships

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Which statement about the government that took control after the shah is not true?

"Women retained the rights they had under the shah" is not a true statement.

Who played the lead role in farhan akhtar film?

Shah Rukh Khan

Why was the creation of parliament so important?

It's kind of government that lead by the prime minister not the king. It's also even the king cannot lead the government cos government is voted by citizen.

Who took control of Iran from Shah of Iran?

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the Shah of Iran from 1941-79. He was deposed by the Islamic Revolution in 1979. After the Islamic Revolution, Iran changed its form of government to an Islamic Republic, and control was given to the leader of the Revolution: Ayatollah Khomeini. This new form of government is the form of government in present-day Iran, as well.

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What has the author B L Shah written?

B. L. Shah has written: 'Panchayati raj' -- subject(s): Government policy, Panchayat, Rural development

Who played the lead role in farhan akhtars film''don 2''?

Shah Rukh Khan

Who played the lead role in farhan akhtar's film don 2?

shah rukh khan