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Q: What is trade complex?
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yes it does it so far up and other countries trade at more complex

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trade/barter is what helped early india become so complex and civilized

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How did the Mauryan fund its complex political structure?

It levied taxes on trade, land, and herds of animals.

Where was the the World Trade Center located exactly in New York?

The World Trade Center complex was on the West Side of Lower Manhattan, in the area known as the Financial District. The Twin Towers (and most of the rest of the World Trade Center complex) was bordered by West Street to the west, Vesey Street to the north, Church Street to the east, and Liberty Street to the south. The entire complex, however, extended about half a block further south on its west side. Also, the 7 World Trade Center Building was located on the north side of Vesey Street, so the complex also extended to the next street north (Barclay Street), between Washington Street and West Broadway.

Was trade possible with the Sumerians because they developed a complex division of labor?

Trade was possible because the fertile soil and abundance of water gave produce above subsistence level and so something to trade.

How did the Mauryan empire fund its complex social structure?

It levied taxes on trade, land, and herds of animals.

This Chinese dynasty fostered a complex trade network and in doing so became a cosmopolitan society.?


How did the Mauryan empire fund it's complex political structure?

It levied taxes on trade, land, and herds of animals.

Were their apartments in the world trade center US?

The World Trade Center was a seven building complex that included the Twin Towers. There were no residential apartments in any of the buildings, they were all used as offices.