The zip code for Bluefield, WV is 24701.
The zip code for Ripley, West Virginia, is 25271.
The zip code for Athens, West Virginia, is 24712.
Morgantown, West Virginia's mayor is Marti Shamburger.
The zip code for Bob White, West Virginia, is 25028.
Camp Creek, WV
The driving distance from Philadelphia, PA, USA to Morgantown, WV, USA is 311.5mi / 501km
Mike Puskar
960 ft
The address of the Old Morgantown Glass Collectors Guild is: Po Box 894, Morgantown, WV 26507-0894
The average snowfall in Morgantown, WV is around 48 inches per year. Snowfall can vary from year to year, but this is the general average for the area.