The zip code for Owasso, Oklahoma is 74055.
The official zip code for Vinata, Oklahoma is 74301.
Zip code 73132 is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. The city is Oklahoma City.OKLAHOMA CITY State: OK Counties: OKLAHOMA, OK
It is the full zip code for Weatherford, Oklahoma.
Blair is closer to Altus Oklahoma because it is right next to it
There are two zip codes for Elk City, Oklahoma. Those zip codes are 73644 and 73648.
73132, 73122, 73120 are all some zip codes that are in Oklahoma City.
yes at the hills
Oklahoma County
Shawnee, Oklahoma
McClain County, Oklahoma
73036.The USPS Zip Code Lookup Search shows 73036 as the zip code for El Reno, Oklahoma. El Reno is located in the Canadian County.