28213 is a ZIP code for Charlotte, North Carolina.
That's the zip code for Charlotte, North Carolina.
The ZIP code for Whiteville, North Carolina is 28472.
What is nc zip code
Charlotte's Allstars Cheer is located on 11011 Monroe Rd. Ste C Matthews,North Carolina Zip code:28105
A state does not have a zip code. There are hundreds, if not thousands of zip codes in the state of North Carolina. You will have to specify a city or town and the exact address in bigger communities to identify the zip code. The US Postal Service has a zip code finder on their web site.
Conveniently, there is a weight loss center located in Charlotte, North Carolina that specializes in weight loss. www.westonmedsurg.com/
The zip code for Camden, North Carolina is: 27921. The 4-digit extension affixed to the end of the zip code is dependent upon the the specific location being shipped/mailed to.
North Carolina has many zip codes. You can find the one you want at http://www.usps.com or go to ZIP4All.com http://www.zip4all.com/north-carolina/nc/ .
The state itself does not have a ZIP code. However, towns and cities within the state do.