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In terms of tensile strength it's the hexagon, as used in the construction of carbon nanotubes.

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Q: What is the strongest shape in built structures?
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Triangulation is a technique or a method that uses the shape of a triangle on structures that require a lot of strength to serve its purpose, this is why it is popular for building structures from large to small, permanent to temporary. A triangular form is one of the strongest shapes known to man, triangulation of material adds strength by reducing lateral movement.

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What is the difference between natural and built structures?

the difference is that natural forces are forces that are created by the enviorment and built structures are not they are built by people #if you bleave in god he will tell you

Is a square stronger than a rectangle?

yes because they are more compact and balanced. The strongest shape is a triangle, so putting two obtuse triangles together to form a square is how most structures are created to be stable.