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Q: What is the simple subject in the sentence The employees at the factory were rewarded for their hard work?
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"All visitors to the factory" is the complete subject.

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Yes. In this sentence injury is the subject of the main clause.

English Check the sentence to see if it is grammatically correct in any way The factory's resident blithe worker is not lazy?

It is correct. The basic sentence is, "Worker is lazy." The subject is "worker". The connecting verb is "is", and the predicate adjective is, "lazy". "The" modifies "factory's", and "The factory's" modifies "resident". "The factory's resident" and "blithe" modify worker and "not" modifies "lazy". Of course the use of "not" to modify "lazy" changes the entire meaning of the sentence.

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The subject in the sentence is "you."

What is an subject in a sentence?

A subject in a sentence is who, what, or where the sentence is about.

What is subject of a sentence?

The subject is who or what the sentence is about.

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The subject of the sentence is "you."

What is the correct grammar for 'One of the companies gave its employees a raise'?

The sentence is correct grammatically. "One of the companies" is the subject of the sentence, and "gave" is the verb. "its employees" is the object receiving the action, and "a raise" is the direct object describing what was given.

What is subject and how to make a sentence on subject?

A subject is what the sentence is about.To make a sentence with a subject think like if it was a theme.

Can 'you' be the subject in a sentence?

Yes, "you" can be the subject in a sentence. For example, in the sentence "You are my friend," "you" is the subject.

Can you use the word subject in a sentence?

What is the subject of this sentence? She was the subject of an investigation.

Wht tells who or what the sentence is about?

The subject tells who or what the sentence is about.