The top-20 of Danish towns (Jan 2009, Stat. bureau):
Town / Urban areaLocationInhabitantsCapital areaZealand1.167.569ÅrhusJutland239.865OdenseFunen158.678AalborgJutland122.461EsbjergJutland71.025RandersJutland59.842KoldingJutland56.249HorsensJutland52.518VejleJutland50.654RoskildeZealand46.292HelsingørZealand46.101HerningJutland45.470SilkeborgJutland41.979NæstvedZealand41.717FredericiaJutland39.484ViborgJutland35.108KøgeZealand34.733HolstebroJutland34.062Hørsholm Zealand33.039TaastrupZealand32.102
Denmark is a country. It's biggest city is called Copenhagen.
Argentina is not the second biggest city .
Copenhagen, the capital.
Copenhagen, Denmark is the biggest city in Scandinavia in terms of population and land area.
The second biggest city in Maryland is Frederick, located in the western part of the state.
The second biggest city in the Philippines by land area is Davao City, located in the southern part of the country.
No the biggest city in Alberta is Calgary, Edmonton is the second biggest.
The second largest city in Finland is Espoo.
You already answered your question. The second largest city in the USA is Los Angeles.
There's always one capital in a country (provided it has at least one city). In Denmark it's the biggest city called Copenhagen, or København in danish.
Yes, Hull is the largest city in East Yorkshire, not the second largest. It is also known as Kingston upon Hull.