Telephones do not have postal codes. Postal codes are for postal addresses.
Afghanistan does not have postal codes.
What year did postal codes begin in canada
Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.Ireland does not have postal codes. Use IE as a code on an internet form.
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See the link below for a list of postal codes in Vietnam.
Postal codes in the US are called ZIP codes.
postal codes
There are tens of thousands of Israeli postal codes, too many to list.
Jordan has many different postal codes depending on the city and region.
See related links for a handy map of the Dublin post codes. Note: the reason for the numbers is that north of the River Liffey are odd numbers - 1,3,5,7 etc south of the River are even numbers- 2,4,6 etc.
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