The area of Alaska is 656,424 sq miles
The population was estimated at 683,478 in 2007.
So, dividing population by area gives 683,478 / 656,424 =1.04 persons per sq mile.
However, over 13% of the state is water, so this increases the 'real' density to 1.2 per sq mile.
Only 1.03 persons per square mile.
The country of Mongolia has the lowest population density with just five people per square mile.
The population density of Alaska is the lowest in the United States, with around 1.3 people per square mile. This is due to Alaska's large land area and relatively small population compared to other states.
Alaska has a population density of about 1.3 people per square mile, making it one of the least densely populated states in the United States.
Alaska has the lowest population density in the United States, with only 1.3 people per square mile. Its vast land area coupled with a small population contributes to its low density.
the population per square mile of Egypt is meep
About $12.80 per square mile.
About 188 per square mile.
Turkey - 239.8 people per square mile.
Alaska has the fewest people per square mile in the United States, with a population density of only 1.3 people per square mile.
The population density of Florida is approximately 403.4 people per square mile.
The 2010 population densisty was 56.3 persons per square mile.