The driving distance from Narooma NSW 2546, Australia to Melbourne VIC, Australia is 424.18mi / 682.66km
Narooma, Nsw Australia... second best climate in the world :)
The population of Newcastle, as of 2011, was approximately 550 000.
You can find a hotel in Narooma online from websites such as Trip Advisor. You can also find a hotel in Narooma from websites such as Expedia or the Hotels website.
The population of New South Wales is about 7,300,000
The estimated residential population of NSW in 2010 was around 6.9 million.
1 million
Japan is 377,944 km2 NSW is 809,444 km2 So yes NSW is bigger than Japan Not in terms of population. Japan has about 16.9 times the population that of New South Wales.
Yes, it's true! NSW has a population of 7,303,700 people while Queensland and Western Australia have a population 6,900,200 together.
Cottages, motels and inns are amongst some common types of accommodations one can find in Narooma. Bed and Breakfasts, Holiday Houses and serviced apartments are also available.
Narooma is a town in New South Wales, Australia on the Southern Coast right on the ocean. It is on the Princes Highway and the name comes from the Aboriginal word meaning "clear blue waters".