The area of Jember Regency is 3,293.34 square kilometers.
The motto of Jember Regency is 'Carya Dharma Praja Mukti'.
The population of Dompu Regency is 218,984.
The population of Ngada Regency is 133,406.
Tulungagung Regency's population is 1,002,807.
Subang Regency's population is 1,465,157.
Blitar Regency's population is 1,116,010.
The population of Sanggau Regency is 372,448.
Blora Regency's population is 844,490.
The population of Agam Regency is 419,800.
The population of Batubara Regency is 374,715.
The population of Banyumas Regency is 1,960,758.