The population of Goshen, Indiana is 32,219.
The population of Indiana in 2012 is 6,423113.
Indiana's Population - 6,376,792 (2008 est.) Indiana is ranked 16th in population and 17th in population density.
Marion County has the largest population in Indiana.
Marion County, which encompasses the city of Indianapolis, has the largest population in Indiana.
The population of Indiana is 6,516,922 people.
14 in population
The population of Indiana in 1816 was around 63,897 people. This was shortly after Indiana became a state on December 11, 1816.
As of 2021, the estimated population of Carmel, Indiana is approximately 101,516 residents.
Indiana is ranked 17th in terms of population among the states in the United States.
0.51% of the total US population lives in Idaho.