The population of Groves, Texas is 16,181 as recorded at the time of the last census taken in 2011. It is located in the Jefferson County part of Texas.
The address of the Texas Military Honors Team is: Po Box 1407, Groves, TX 77619-1407
The distance in Texas from Groves to San Antonio is 278 air miles. That equals 447 kilometers or 241 nautical miles.
One by that name exists in Grapevine, Texas.
There are many citrus farms in Florida, California and Texas. Hale Groves is reputable.
The Couch's Kingbird is found in groves and coastal shrubs in Southern Texas.
Jeremy Denzlinger was born on November 24, 1973, in Groves, Texas, USA.
According to the 2012 census, the population of Texas is 26.06 million.
The population of Texas is 23,904,380.
The population of Texas in 1910 was 3,896,542. The population of Texas in 1920 was 4,663,228. Interpolating, the population of Texas in 1912 was about 4,049,879, or a little more than 4% of the total US population.
Texas is the second most populous U.S. state. The Texas population is 8.366% of the U.S. population.
The population of the city of Beaumont, Texas is 118,228.
the projected Texas population for 2011 is: 25,883,999