Itacurubí de la Cordillera's population density is 38 people per square kilometer.
There are 5 ecozones that are mountainous Arctic Cordillera, Boreal Cordillera, Taiga Cordillera, Pacific Maritime, and Montane Cordillera.
The population density of the taiga plains varies depending on location and human activity. Since taiga plains are mainly composed of forests with sparse human settlements, the population density is generally low compared to other regions. Wildlife is more abundant in this area than human inhabitants.
Cordillera Department's population is 234,805.
The population of the taiga biome varies depending on the specific region and availability of resources. Various animals such as bears, wolves, moose, and birds inhabit the taiga, along with some indigenous tribes and communities who have adapted to its harsh conditions. Overall, the population density in the taiga is lower compared to other biomes due to its challenging environment.
Boreal Sheild Boreal Cordillera Boreal Plains Taiga Sheild Taiga Cordillera Tagia Plains Mixedwood Plains Hudson Plains Praire Pacific Maritime Atlantic Maritime Northern Arctic Southern Arctic Montane Cordillera Atlantic Maritime
Density dependent factors in the taiga biome include competition for resources like food and shelter, as well as predation. Density independent factors include natural disturbances like wildfires, extreme weather events, and temperature fluctuations. These factors can both influence the population dynamics of species in the taiga biome.
It is estimated that the total human population in the taiga biome is around 400 million people, mostly concentrated in the boreal forest regions of Russia, Canada, and Scandinavia. However, the population density in the taiga biome is generally low due to its harsh climate and remote location.
Itacurubí de la Cordillera's population is 10,744.
There are 14 terrestrial ecozones and 4 freshwater ecozones, totaling 18 ecozones in total. These ecozones are regions with similar climate, geology, flora, and fauna, helping to categorize and study different ecosystems around the world.
The Boreal Cordillera Eco-zone is a sparsely populated region in northwestern Canada, with remote communities and a low population density. The total population living in this eco-zone is estimated to be around 100,000 people.