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I had this question in a computer school it is (1 pt)order of importance. Hope this helped :)

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Q: What is the most common structure of a persuasive essay?
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the most common structure for persuasive speeches.

Which two paragraphs are the most similar in a persuasive essay?

In a persuasive essay, the paragraphs that are most similar are likely the ones that both present supporting evidence or examples to strengthen the argument being made. Look for paragraphs that have a similar structure, present similar types of evidence, or make related points to determine which two are the most similar.

Which is most similar to a persuasive essay?

An argumentative essay is most similar to a persuasive essay, as both aim to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or argument. Both types of essays present evidence, facts, and reasoning to support their position on a given topic.

What are two tips for persuasion?

Tips for writing a persuasive essay are the following choose a position, understand the audience, do the research and identify the most convincing evidence. Once the steps are completed you will have a persuasive essay.

Which topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a persuasive essay?

Your most memorable moment

What are some good sentence starters for a persuasive essay?

You start your sentences with whatever word makes the most sense!

What is the similarities of informative and persuasive?

No. If you are writing an informative essay, you would most likely be asked a question about your opinion. If you are writing a persuasive essay, you are trying to make or persuade (hence) a person to feel a certain way about something.(By the way it would be"Are informative essays and persuasive essays the same?"If you wanted to use "Is", then you would've said:"Is a persuasive essay the same thing as a informative essay?")

The best persuasive essay?

if ya wanted to find out then just make everyone vote on different essays and the that has the most is the best.

The two most common kinds of writing in college courses are informative and?


Which of the checklist the most important when writing an essay?

The conclusion is the most important part of the essay; if you don't conclude something, the essay was pretty much a waste of time.

Can you use the word they in a persuasive essay?

Yes, you can use the word "they" in a persuasive essay when referring to a group of people or a generalized subject. Just be sure to use it in a clear and appropriate context to avoid confusion or ambiguity.

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