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"Tormented by self-doubt" is the modifier.

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Q: What is the modifier in the following sentencetormented by self-doubt'hamlet agonizes over he should avenge his father's murder?
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Which of the following keys is an example of a modifier key?

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Which of following statements a superlative?

The one with an adjective ending in -st or -est or the modifier "most" or "least."

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What is a awkward modifier?

An awkward modifier is a modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence. =] A modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence

A limiting modifier is what?

APEX A limiting modifier is a modifier that limits the meaning of another word in the sentence

What modifier is used if a patient underwent a bilateral tympanoplasty?

modifier -51

What is a tc modifier?

A technical component modifier.

How do you know when a Modifier is in a sentence?

How you know is you have to read the whole sentence and to find out what a modifier is you have to know what a modifier is

What is a squinting modifier?

squinting modifier is a modifier between two words both of which it could modify. sometimes it is also called a two-way modifier.