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Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses. Perhaps the most common conjunction is the word and.

Tommy's brother went to the store, and bought food for the picnic.

Other conjunctions are but and or. Adverbs can also be used as conjunctions (conjunctive adverb).

I like science fictions movies; however, my wife prefers comedies.

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Q: What is the function of a conjunction How do you use it in a sentence?
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What is a sentence for a conjunction?

I went to the store and bought some groceries.

What kind of part of speech is when?

"When" can function as a subordinating conjunction, adverb, or a relative pronoun in a sentence, depending on its use.

Is with a conjunction?

No, "with" is a preposition, not a conjunction. It is used to show the relationship between two elements in a sentence.

What is the part of speech of either?

"Either" is a conjunction. More specifically, it is a correlative conjunction.

Is if a conjuction?

Yes, "if" can function as a conjunction when used to introduce a conditional clause in a sentence.

What is the noun called that follows a conjunction?

The noun following a conjunction is typically referred to as the subject or object of the clause, depending on its function within the sentence.

Is and always a conjunction?

"And" is not always a conjunction. It can also function as a coordinating conjunction, a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.

Part of speech for when?

"When" can function as an adverb, conjunction, or noun in a sentence, depending on its usage.

Is so that a preposition?

No, "so" is not a preposition. "So" can function as an adverb, conjunction, or pronoun in a sentence, but it is not a preposition.

How do use conjunction in a sentence?

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What is the conjunction use in compound sentence?

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What part of speech is rather?

"Rather" can function as an adverb, conjunction, or determiner in a sentence.