A child born outside the US will not be issued a US birth certificate. The birth certificate will be issued by the country in which the child was born.
The authorized birth certificate may refer to the Original birth certificate rather than the Copy of the Birth Certificate.
Why would you want to sign a birth certificate?
Don't worry, it will be very easy to get a replacement birth certificate. First of all you must have the details relating to your birth. If you have the no of previous birth certificate it would be easier. The place which take the action would depend on the countries and it is normally the government regional office.
No. Birth and Adoption certificate are different
President Obama's birth certificate is not fake, and has been repeatedly verified as legitimate by Hawaii's governor, health commissioner, various journalists from all the major networks, the hospital where he was born, etc.
why you asking me im trying to find out my self looool
You haven't explained whose birth certificate. If it's her biological child then she must sign the birth certificate. The biological parents of the child sign the birth certificate.
Go to your county Hall of Records and order one. It will cost you a few dollars.
A birth certificate is a legal document showing that a person's birth occurred and has been registered within the jurisdiction of the agency issuing the birth certificate.