Yes, the noun compensation is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.
Arguments for comparable worth stress that individuals who have the same value at an organization should receive the same compensation, regardless of gender. Arguments against comparable worth emphasize that some jobs can be undervalued.
The concept of comparability is used in accounting whereby a business is comparable to different periods and with other companies. This is used as a measure of the business's performance.
The concept of indemnification denotes an attempt to “make whole” which is actually almost never a real possibility due to a myriad of factors the primary of which is in sentimentally attached values, these are not real values but rather a perceived value based on emotional attachments. Compensation is an as stated. " Compensation" It is more general and usually represents an agreed amount or an amount legally acceptable or required.
Comparable worth is the concept that women and men should receive equal pay for jobs calling for comparable skill and responsibility. Even today most organizations are headed by men and there is a great deal of resistance to paying women the same rate of pay. Its part of the patriarchal structure of business still in this country.
comparable à ,
In Maths there where comparable rectangles.
Tartarus was the underworld of Greek mythology, comparable to the Christian concept of Hell. It was never believed to be part of Mount Olympus, the abode of the gods. It's underground.
The correct spelling is comparable. The prices were comparable to others in my area.
An error of omission is the failure to take some action that should have been taken by one with comparable knowledge and under under similar circumstances. It essentially equates with the concept of negligence.