Nebraska has an infant mortality rate of 6.8 deaths per 1000 live births.
To get a birth record for a Nebraska birth you can contact the Nebraska Health & Human Services System. The contact information is Vital Records, 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 95065, Lincoln, NE 68509. Phone is 402-471-2871. Birth records will cost $12.
You can find such records in many places. One of such places is Go to this link to find out Nebraska Birth Records- you need to provide first name and last name of the persons for whom you need the birth record. For birth records from 1904, you can write to Nebraska Department of Health Vital Records P.O. Box 95065 Lincoln, NE 68509-5065
Lincoln, Nebraska
iraq's birth and death rate is birth: 31.4 births per 5.3 deaths.
the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.
the birth rate is 65% and death rate is 35%
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg