The ZIP code for the White House is 20500.
What is is 9-digit zip code for this address: Stephanie Massey 65K Vanderhorst Street Charleston, SC 29401
The Zip Code for Milltown, New Jersey is 08850.
You will have to provide the specific address. Each five-digit ZIP code typically contains hundreds or thousands of nine-digit ZIP+4 codes, as that is the point of adding the extra digits.
You will have to provide the specific address. Each five-digit ZIP code typically contains hundreds or thousands of nine-digit ZIP+4 codes, as that is the point of adding the extra digits.
You will have to provide the specific address. Each five-digit ZIP code typically contains hundreds or thousands of nine-digit ZIP+4 codes, as that is the point of adding the extra digits.
We would need to know the specific address. A five-digit ZIP code typically includes hundreds or thousands of nine-digit ZIP+4 codes, since that is the whole point of ZIP+4 codes.
Yes they can.
Beech Island, SC
You will need to provide a specific address. A five-digit ZIP code typically contains hundreds or thousands of ZIP+4 codes, as that is the whole point of ZIP+4 codes.