however some visitors can be despoiled by the escorts
The word "despoil" is a verb meaning to steal things, to violate, to ravage, to plunder; to ruin by destroying or removing what is valuable.Example sentences:They had an elaborate plan to despoil the bank's safe deposit boxes.There was a time that people didn't recognize how their litter and trash will despoil nature.
harass, despoil, ravage, loot
dispossess, rob, strip, despoil, bereave
Pillage, plunder, defraud, despoil, purloin, ransack, swindle.
'anrheithio' mean 'ravage, sack, despoil, loot, maraud. pillage, plunder'.
disdain, retrain, contain, sustain, pertain, ingrain, terrain, travail, despoil
Would despoil the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and pollute our oceans and coastlines for a tiny percentage of our energy needs -- with almost zero impact on gas prices Would despoil the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and pollute our oceans and coastlines for a tiny percentage of our energy needs -- with almost zero impact on gas prices Would despoil the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and pollute our oceans and coastlines for a tiny percentage of our energy needs -- with almost zero impact on gas prices
boil, broil, coil, foil, roil, soil, spoil, toil, despoil, embroil, recoil, uncoil
It was aquired by the English during the 30 years war and was used in the Civil war in 1642. It came from a Germanic language 'Plunderen' meaning to' take away household furniture, goods and clothes'. In English it became known as 'taking away goods by force.
No, reading newspapers can actually contribute positively to one's personality by keeping them informed and knowledgeable about current events and various topics. However, like with any form of media consumption, it's important to maintain a critical mindset and ensure a balanced intake of information.
It is the first sentence of a paragraph which is the topic sentence.