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Intransigent comes from the spanish infinitive 'transigir' which means "to consent in part with what is not believed to be fair reasonable or true in order to end an argument". It does not mean someone who does not compromise, but rather someone true to its principles that does not give in to unreason.

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The quality or state of being stubbornly inflexible.

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How do you use the word intransigent in a sentence?

A person who refuses to agree or compromise can be described a intransigent.They did not ask for the definition of the word intransigent but a sentence.Heres my sentence:His intransigent demeanor and unwillingness to compromise cost us the deal we secretly coveted.

Sentence for intransigent?

The politician remained intransigent, refusing to compromise on the controversial issue despite pressure from his colleagues.

What is a sentence using the word intransigent?

I wouldn't waste my time trying to change Jack's mind, he's completely intransigent.

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STUBBORN - intransigent or uncooperative

How do you use intransigent in a sentence?

The intransigence of the local leaders made negotiation difficult.

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What is another word for stubborn?

Mulish , intransigent , unmovable .

What is an intransigent verb?

An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require a direct object to complete its meaning. It does not act on an object. Example: "She sings."

Why so you use the English system instead of the metric system?

I don't, but I guess those that do are essentially intransigent dinosaurs!

What rhymes with diligent?

A few words are: exigent, indigent, intelligent, intransigent, negligent, unintelligent

Why were revolutions used?

Political Revolutions usually come to pass because a government is too intransigent to peacefully accept the demands of the populace.