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DEH Means "Digital Electro-hydraulic Control System" mostly for steam turbine

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Q: What is deh in power plants turbine?
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What do all power plants have?

One or more steam turbine/generating sets

Atc control by deh for turbine?

yes ,when my set point and turbine inlet pr. is match,then no need to varry the load as well as speed,so you can hold the load

Is a wind turbine conserving?

Well it conserves fuel which would otherwise have to be used in power plants.

How much power do you get from a steam turbine?

The power output of a steam turbine depends on various factors such as turbine size, steam pressure and temperature, and efficiency. Large steam turbines in power plants can generate hundreds of megawatts of electricity, while smaller turbines in industrial settings may produce tens to hundreds of kilowatts.

Where does America's electricity come from?

the north American power grid wich is fueled by power plants eg a wind turbine or a nuclear power plant.

What are the different types of Turbines used in hydroelectric power plants?

1 Pelton Turbine 2 Kaplan Turbine 3 Francis Turbine 4 Propeller Turbine 5 Tubular Turbine

Any machine that converts kinetic energy to electrical energy?

-- steam turbine -- hydroelectric turbine -- wind turbine -- hand-crank generator I think even the nuclear power plants do that ... they use the heat from the reactor core to boil water, then run it through a steam turbine to generate the electric power.

What has the author R H Parsons written?

R. H. Parsons has written: 'The early days of the power station industry' -- subject(s): Electric power-plants 'The steam turbine' 'The development of the Parsons steam turbine'

What do nuclear power plants use to turn a turbine that is used to rotate the generator?

Nuclear power plants use steam to turn a turbine that is connected to a generator. The steam is produced by heat generated from the nuclear fission process within the reactor. As the steam passes through the turbine, it causes the blades to spin, which in turn rotates the generator to produce electricity.

Is it true in coal-fired power plants coal is burned to produce steam which is then used to turn a turbine.?

Yes, that is correct. In coal-fired power plants, coal is burned to produce heat, which is used to generate steam. The steam then drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator, producing electricity.