metronomic means mechanically working the Q-tip wasnt working metromonically.
the girl was very unattractive, because her hair was messy and her clothes were dull and her appearence wasnt good
in the beggining there were 2 but not really just 7 and the FREE STATE, wasnt real and you are still reading. hahahahahaahahaha.
no it wasnt
if there wasnt you wouldnt be using a computer now
i was opt and then i opt wasnt which means in the opt end i was really opt.
Paier's jacket was too flimsy. It wasnt enough to keep him warm.
there wasnt 1 there really wasnt 1. they just fought
because she wasnt a president
it wasnt in Hong Kong in was in china >^.^<
it wasnt. greece wasnt a country anymore when ww1 began.
Angela Davis went to school at an all black school named Carrie A. Tuggle Elementary