Mavis, your raspberry cheesecake is sublime!
As Gideon listened to Wagner's opera, he smiled and whispered to his companion, "This aria is sublime."
You could use it like "The sublime weather made me want to take a spontaneous bike ride!"
Sublime in French is "sublime." It is an adjective used to describe something of outstanding beauty or excellence.
na'aleh (× ×¢×œ×”)
I was peeking behind the door.
like this.That band was sublime.It is also a band
The sentence contains a mixture of French and English. The word "you" in the sentence is not French.The rest of the sentence means "you miss [you] with your beautiful face". If the English "you" can be replaced with vous, the sentence would be something like "you miss your beautiful face", but the French is not well-written.
Grand, heroic, sublime: 壮絶 (souzetsu)Sublime: 気高い (kedakai)Divine, solemn, sublime: 神々しい (kougoushii)Magnificient, vigorous, bold, sublime: 雄渾 (yuukon)Transcendent, (a work of art being) sublime: しんいんひょうびょう (shininhyoubyou)Magnificient beauty, sublime: 壮美 (soubu)
sublime as an adjective so you use it to appreciate something "the meal was sublime" "you performed that music piece in a sublime manner" "And we are enabled to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of the reality that surrounds us." Walden & on the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, Henry David "A mountain, to be sure, by the mere sentiment of physical magnitude which it conveys, does impress us with a sense of the sublime but no man is impressed after this fashion by the material grandeur of even "The Columbia's" Poems by Poe, Edgar Allan as a Noun the sublime - something that is sublime "she is the best dancer of all time, the sublime dancer" as a Verb usually related to Chemistry and physics is to change directly from a solid to a vapor without first melting subliming sublimed "if you make the room too hot you will sublime the ice in this glass"