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I am going to create a masterpiece with all of this material.

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I will create a new poem for you.

How do you create such a mess?

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Q: What is a sentence with the word create?
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Can you write a sentence using the word create?

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Can you create a sentence with the word dwelling?


Can you give me a sentence using the word there?

you can create ANY sentence with the word there. there is the room. the location is over there. i was there yesterday

Make s sentence with the word create?


Is the word create a verb?

yes. i created that. in this sentence its a verb

How do you create a sentence with the word leaching?

The bully was leaching his answer from the smarter children.

What is a good sentence for the word compile?

-*create by gathering information to collect .

Can you create a sentence for the word severe?

Her punishment was very severe for what she had done.

Is it proper to start a sentence with to?

No, because "and" is a conjunction, which is a word that puts together phrases and clauses to create a sentence.

Is it proper to start a sentence with and?

No, because "and" is a conjunction, which is a word that puts together phrases and clauses to create a sentence.

Put the word create in a sentence?

Here are three sentences using the word 'create': "Mark decided to create a song for Lauren to tell her that he loved her." "Lucy decided to create a meal out of leftovers." "Please not to create a riot."

A sentence with the word illiterate?

The illiterate man struggled to read the instructions on the packaging.