"After the dancers finished their act , Stacy thought it was arousing."
The crowd was arousing
The second.
In the word arousing, the middle syllable bears the emphasis: uh-rouz-ing
The word "arousing" in Tagalog can be translated as "nakakapukaw" or "nakaka-akit," depending on the context. It pertains to something that incites interest, excitement, or stimulation.
The stress is on the middle syllable: a-ROU-sing
You have spelled it correctly, rousing. Another word, arousing, can be confused with the meaning of rousing.
capable of arousing interest or curiosityeg Paris Hilton is an intriguing young ladysyn.- interesting
agitating, alerting, animating, awakening, electrifying, enlivening, moving, provoking, rousing, stimulating
Affecting, exciting, arousing, eloquent, sententious, inspiring, touching, meaningful...
yeah, i usually find man into animal transformations extremely arousing
The word "phony" has its origins in an Irish confidence game, known as fawney rig. It means not real, baseless in fact, arousing suspicion, or a scam.