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There was an eerie glow coming from the direction of the swamp.

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10y ago

A good sentence containing the word "eerie" would be: John had an eerie feeling when he entered the darkened room.

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What is a sentence for eerie?

A haunted house has an eerie sense.

How do you use eerie in a sentence?

A haunted house has an eerie sense.

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nina walked down the eerie slope hope that helped

Sentence using the word eerie?

The old village has an eerie, haunted feel of abandonment

How do you make a sentence with eerie?

We were frightened by eerie noises coming from the basement. He'll enjoy visiting an eerie haunted house on Halloween.

Can you use eerie in a sentence?

It was an old house; eerie and with creaking floor boards. Some said it was haunted.

What would be a good sentence for atmosphere?

The eerie atmosphere of the abandoned house sent chills down my spine.

How do you use the word eerie in a sentence?

When the kids went to the haunted house, they thought it was eerie. The kids heard an eerie noise in the ancient basement and got scared!

Make a good sentence with slowly?

A good sentence with the word "slowly." o(^_~)d"The apprehensive, timorous child ambled slowlytowards the, mystifying, perplexing and eerie entity..."Hope this worked!!

How do you make a sentence using the words eerie swallows lurk?

Sometimes it is hard to make a sentence with specific words. He swallows hard, and faces the monster that lurks in the eerie shadows.

Can you give me a sentence with the word pervaded?

an eerie feeling pervaded the entire house.

Use eerie in a sentence?

unnerving: unnerving or unusual in a way that suggests a connection with the supernatural.uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weirdEerie means something that is, Weird, strange or odd. A place can feel Eerie if it scares you for no real reason, A person can be considered Eerie if they act very strange.The word eerie means a scary, weird, strange, or not soothing. To use it in a sentence ( Do you hear that eerie sound?) What do you think the word is by hearing that sentence?The definition for the word eerie is "strange and frightening."