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That over there is a deciduous tree.

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Q: What is a good sentence for deciduous?
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How do use deciduous in a sentence?

Apple trees are deciduous.

What is a sentence for deciduous?

deciduous forests do not have a lot of vegetation

How do you use the word deciduous in a sentence?

The Forrest was made up of mainly deciduous trees.

How can you make a sentence with the word deciduous?

Sorry, that is not a deciduous shrub. Because it drops it's leaves in winter, the maple tree is deciduous.

What is a sentence using the word deciduous?

deciduous means "fall".4 example trees shed off their leaves during these trees r cald deciduous trees. hence d sentence dat is made vit d word is "treees in temperate forests r deciduous"

How do you use deciduous trees in a sentence?

Well you could use deciduous trees in many different ways for example.."... The deciduous trees were aligned row by row, as the leaves were fading into a crisp auburn color..."

Deciduous in a sentence?

Here's a definition of the word "deciduous". -adjective1.shedding the leaves annually, as certain trees and shrubs. 2.falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc., as leaves, horns, or teeth. 3.not permanent; transitory. Sentence--- There are many deciduous trees in the northern part of the United States of America.

What vegetation characterizes the deciduous forest?

good and nice and beautiful

Can you use decidious in a sentence?

The area was a deciduous forest, and all the trees would change colors in the fall.

Is it deciduous or coniferous?

A Tamarack is deciduous.

What plant survives are in the deciduous forest?

plants can survive in the deciduous forest by getting lots of water and sunlight also by having good and moist soil

What is a good food chain in the deciduous forest?

check my azz hoe