

Best Answer

Concrete noun- is a noun which can be recognized by our 5 senses which are Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch.

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Q: What is a concrete sentence?
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What is a sentence for concrete?

The concrete was incredibly hard. The concrete was gray.

What are the concrete nouns in this sentence?

The only concrete noun in your sentence is sentence. Note: The noun 'sentence' is a concrete noun only for a written or spoken sentence; the noun 'sentence' as a word for a penalty imposed for a crime conviction is an abstract noun.

What are all the concrete nouns in this sentence?

The only concrete noun in your sentence is sentence. Note: The noun 'sentence' is a concrete noun only for a written or spoken sentence; the noun 'sentence' as a word for a penalty imposed for a crime conviction is an abstract noun.

Is the excerpt you have eaten the plums that were in the icebox concrete or abstract?

"You have eaten the plums that were in the icebox." is a complete sentence. The sentence is stating a concrete act. There are two concrete nouns in the sentence: plums and icebox.

What is abstract and concrete in this sentence justice is an important principle in a democracy?

The abstract nouns in the sentence are:justiceprincipledemocracyAll of these nouns are words for concepts. There are no concrete nouns in the sentence.

What is the concrete noun in the sentence who showed courage among the firemen?

The concrete noun in the sentence is firemen, a word for physical people.

What are the abstract noun and concrete noun in the sentence Her determination led the girl to a victory?

The abstract nouns in the sentence are: determination and victory The concrete noun in the sentence is: girl

What is the concrete noun in the sentence the victim of violence seeks for justice?

The concrete noun in the sentence is "victim", which is a tangible and physical entity.

What is the concrete noun in the sentence On Friday somebody in the audience created a disturbance?

The concrete noun in the sentence is audience, a word for a physical group of people.

How do you put concrete in a sentence?

In Junior and Senior Infants we got concrete objects to count with.

What is the concrete and abstract noun of the sentence People with imagination have been inventing things from the earliest time?

The concrete nouns in the sentence are: people and things.The abstract nouns in the sentence are: imagination and time.

What is the abstract or concrete noun in the sentence Her intelligence allows her to understand difficult ideas?

The abstract nouns in the sentence are intelligence and ideas.There are no concrete nouns in the sentence. The pronoun 'her' takes the place of the noun for the female person mentioned in the sentence.