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primary file organization says that how data itself is stored on the storage device.

a secondary logical maintinance of physically stored data that helps us to speed access to the physically stored data.

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Q: What is Primary file organization?
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Primary file organization is the way in which we determine how the file records are physically placed on the disk and hence, how the records can be accessed. Unordered means that there is no particular order in this way, i.e. a heap algorithm is used.

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Indexed sequential file organization. =In indexed sequential file organization, the records arestored in sequence according to a primary key and an index is created to allow random access of the file. This type of organization also allows the file to be accessed sequentially. Indexed sequential is the most commonlyused type of file organization. writer-k.k.b -montanna

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What are the differences between serial file organization and sequential file organization?

Serial file organization stores records in a linear format, while sequential file organization stores records in a specific order defined by a key field. In serial file organization, records don't have to be retrieved in a specific order, whereas in sequential file organization, records are retrieved based on the key field's order.

Importance of file organization?

There is great importance in file organization. This type of organization can be easily looked through and files are easy to retrieve.

Where is the primary stress in the word organization?

The primary stress in the word "organization" falls on the third syllable.

What is the difference between the file maintenance and file organization?

file organization is of 3 types sequential,direct and indexed sequential where how data is accessed in eash file is decided where as file maintainence is

What are the primary advantages to using data file?

The primary advantages of using data files include easy storage and retrieval of large amounts of data, improved data organization and structure, and increased data security and protection.

What organization introduced the idea of primary health care?

The organization that introduced the idea of primary health care was World Health organization in Alma Ata. The short form for the organization is WHO.

What is random file organisation?

random file organization is a organization were you search a certain object ofr file by the use of any key and in search by randomly