Salar Dul's population is 37.
Dul Bid's population is 64.
The population of Siah Dul-e Olya is 68.
As of 2021, the population of Dul Gaz-e Rajabali in Afghanistan is estimated to be around 4,800 people.
dul dul
Invasion of Dul Ashir happened in 623.
"An síocháin Dé dul leis leat" means "the peace of God to go with it with you"
"Tá do chara ag dul leat" means "You're friend is going with you"
"Ba mhaith liom dul in olcas taobh" means "I'd like to get worse beside"
An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí 'n leithreas? or Is féidir liom dul go dtí an seomra folctha?
dul craiceáilte