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Q: What is 4 reasons for a increase in Birth Rate?
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What are the causes of population growth?

The basic reasons for growth of population are:1. Increase in birth rate (due to lack of awareness, lack of education, desire for sons, early marriages, custom and culture and infant mortality rate)2. Increase in net migration3.The death rate - the higher the death rate the lower the population growthEdit : 4. increase in competition (novanet/gradpoint)-Tyler PriceIncrease in population occurs when the birth rate is greater than the death rate. It can also occur when immigration increases. Good heath of the population also means that more children will survive childhood diseases. Increase in the use of vaccines also helps. Increase in food supply and an increase in wages allow for more to survive.At times in our history, the Black Death caused a decrease in population numbers and some wars were as bad.

Comparison between crude birth rate and death birth rate?

simple thing.. no of death is equal to 4 times larger than the no of birth....

What stage is Denmark in the demographic transition?

Stage 4; the same as most Western European countries.

What is the percentage increase if the interest rate rises from 5 percent to 9 percent?


What is 4 reasons for a decrease in Death Rate?

1. increase in health care2. living and environmental conditions improve3. no major pandemic or natural disaster e.g. hurricane, earthquake etc.4. country is not in major or civil war

In 2014 the birth rate in France was 12 (per 1000 people). In the same year the death rate in France was 8 (per 1000 people). What was France's approximate growth rate in 2014?

An increase 4(100) people. I just got it correct

What is Solomon islands birth and death rate?

7 and 4

Does an increase of 4 percent in the interest rate result in a 4 percent increase in the total interest paid?

Not usually. A "4 percent increase in the interest rate" usually means that there is some reference interest rate of x percent that is increased to 4 + x percent. This means that the interest paid increases from x percent of the principal to 4 + x percent of the principal. Therefore, the interest paid increases by 100 (4/x) %. For example, if a recent Federal funds rate of 1 % in the United States were to be increased by 4 %, the interest paid on any given amount of principal would increase by 400 %!

What is Nigeria's birth rate?

As of 2021, Nigeria's birth rate is estimated to be around 37 births per 1,000 people. This high birth rate contributes to the country's significant population growth and demographic dynamics.

What would happen to the rate of a reaction with rate law rate kNO2H2 if the concentration of NO were double?

The rate would quadruple (increase by a factor of 4). This is because the rate depends on the SQUARE of the concentration of NO.

What is the rate of natural increase in France?

The rate of natural increase in France is currently estimated to be around 0.4% per year. This rate represents the difference between the number of births and deaths in the country, excluding migration.

How is the earths population still growing but the growth rate is decreasing?

Because the growth rate refers to the percentage increase - from 2 to 4 is a 100% increase, while for example 1,000,000 + 20,000 new babies is only an increase of 2%.