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If you're asking if you're eligible for unemployment benefits, then quitting when the state says your reasons are allowableis the only time you can collect. These generally have to be work related or very unusual personal reasons.

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Q: What happens if you leave your job voluntarily?
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No, because you don't qualify for unemployment if you leave your job voluntarily.

Can you file for unemployment if you resigned and moved to another state?

Generally if you leave any job voluntarily you are not eligible to collect benefits regardless of whether you move or not.

If I had to leave my job in Michigan because my husband is relocating to another job somewhere else in Michigan can I collect unemployment?

You cannot collect when you have voluntarily left a job. Has to be a lay off or firing... can you collect if hes out of work and found another job in California

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In Texas, employees are eligible for benefits if they voluntarily leave a job due to pregnancy.

What happens to 401k when you leave a job and never here from the company?

You still own it.

What is voluntary unemployment?

You become volluntarily unemployed if you resign from a job rather being dismissed from it, you leave the job of your own choice.

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My husband left Florida to work in another state after working 20 years at the same company. Due to this I had to leave my job of 12 years can I get unemployment benefits?

No. You voluntarily left your job- you weren't laid off or intentionally put out of work.

What happens to your 401k if you have a loan against it and leave your job?

Typically, you have to pay the entire balance of the loan back.

How do you voluntarily return a vehicle to the dealership?

You must leave it ON the dealers property somehow.

What is voluntary resignation?

its when you resign/quit your job voluntarly(you quit on your own terms), you don't get fired